9 Tips From Marie Kondo That Prove the KonMari Method Really Works

Letting go of clutter is hard to do. Anyone who has encountered the teachings of Marie Kondo knows that minimalism is all the rage. Her housekeeping manual, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, has inspired legions of readers to throw away their unneeded belongings, and her Netflix series, Tidying Up, ushered in another wave of devotees.

Those looking to clean out their closets and declutter their lives were instantly entranced by her simple, smart, and proactive way of cleaning. But not everyone is on board with KonMari, the nickname Kondo gave to her techniques. As with any good trend, there's always a corresponding backlash. A writer for The New York Times extolled the virtues of living a life surrounded by things in an article called "Let's Celebrate the Art of Clutter," the complete opposite of what Kondo's teachings say. Plus, Kondo's stance on ridding your home of books that don't "spark joy" has had book-lovers up in arms!

Whether you're pro- or anticlutter, you must admit there's a certain calmness to be found in a well-organized drawer. Read ahead to witness aspirational examples of Kondo's method at work, and see if you're inspired to take a turn at organizing your own home. Happy tidying!

β€” Additional reporting by Lauren Harano


Reduce the Number of Clothes You Have

Kondo believes aspiring KonMari adherents should begin with their clothes, going through belongings and keeping only those things that "spark joy."

One Instagram user posted a photo showing her newly tidied closet, with all the shirts facing the same direction with space between the hangers.

According to Kondo, a well-organized closet should be able to hold many belongings.

There should be enough room in a closet for two people's belongings, and more.

A well-tidied closet will soon be able to store other belongings besides clothes.


Get Rid of Papers in the Office

Kondo believes that people keep too many old papers they simply don't need. Keeping office space tidy will make life a lot easier!

The method works especially well in small offices.


Store Belongings Vertically

Not a fan of piles, Kondo urges storing belongings vertically.

The vertical stacking method works for jeans, too.

Kondo also likes when things are organized by color.

The vertical stacking method should also be used in closets.

Vertical stacking in drawers makes organizing a child's clothes simple.


Rethink How to Store Small Items

Kondo is a big proponent of folding small items, including socks, stockings, and sports bras.

She also believes in folding and rolling socks and underwear, which helps preserve the elastic.


Use Small Containers

Kondo is a big proponent of using boxes of all sizes and shapes for organizing small items, like jewelry.

She thinks it's best to keep small boxes and containers on hand for future storage solutions.


Say Bye to Your Books

Kondo believes people keep books for far longer than necessary.

Kondo urges her readers to get rid of most of their books, only keeping the ones that "spark joy."

Reducing the number of books in one's home will free up a great deal of space.


Attack the Bathroom Too

Kondo urges paring down bathroom items and keeping what's left in small containers.

She believes in wiping down products after use, and then keeping them out of sight until the next time.  


The Kitchen Should Be Orderly

Kondo's methods extend to the kitchen, where even containers can be stored in containers.

Kondo urges keeping counters clear and most items out of sight.


Make Your Entryway Tidy

Kondo personally uses a cabinet by her entryway to hold everyday belongings and shoes.

Kondo believes cabinets, even when used as storage, should be orderly behind closed doors.

More KonMari Inspiration